The Tin Dog Podcast Drinking Game v 1.35

  • Episode(s) of Tin-Dog Podcast
  • This list
  • People (the more the merrier)
  • Beverage of your choice
  • Be near a toilet (just in case)
Instructions: Simple. Listen to the show, and whenever a condition is met, take the appropriate number of drinks. The definition of "drink" should be decided before gameplay starts. Usually, a good mouthful will suffice, but sip if you wish.

Compiler's Note: I would advise taking some time before gameplay starts to decide which conditions to use and which to ignore.

Remember that this list is canonical, so you probably will _not_ want to use them all (especially with a new podcast, Since you'll spend all your time reading the list, rather than listening).
Please send any corrections, suggestions, requests, submissions, flames, etc. to the address listed below.

Thanks, Michael M Gilroy-Sinclair for the Tin Dog Podcast

: Compiled by victoswindell@hotmail.com (send me your input/changes)

Podcast Event - Number of Drinks
Host voice not OK - 1
Host is recording outside of studio/home - 1
Host starts to ramble off topic - 1
Host says "let it go" - 1
Host says "There Again - 1
Host says "Out of its Time" - 1
Host says "Of its time" - 1
Host says "Better than I remember" - 1
Host asks for funds/selling something - 2
Host uploads wrong podcast - 2
Host changes Theme music - 2
Host podcast is not what he said it was going to be - 1
Host not reviewing Doctor Who - 2
Host reviewing Torchwood and mentions DW -2
Someone has donated funds for podcast -1
Host mentions iTunes - 1
Host mentions his wife - 2
Host mentions his offspring -3

Host mentions 'steam-punk' -2
Host mentions another Dr. Who podcast - 1
Host plays clip from another podcast -1
Host plays audio clip from DW - 1
Host play recording of DW Actor advertising the Tin-Dog Podcast -1
Host reads one of his stories -2
Host suggest you get a copy of WHOSTROLOGY
WHOSTROLOGY is the same as your birthday - 2
It's your WHOSTROLOG - 1
Host mentions William Hartnell/Richard Hurndall/David Bradley -(First Doctor) -1
Host mentions Patrick Troughton - (Second Doctor) -2
Host mentions Jon Pertwee- (Third Doctor) -3
Host mentions Tom Baker - (Fourth Doctor) -4
Host mentions Peter Davison -(Fifth Doctor) -5
Host mentions Colin Baker- (Sixth Doctor) -6
Host mentions Sylvester McCoy - (Seventh Doctor) -7
Host mentions Paul McGann -(Eighth Doctor) -8
Host mentions The War Doctor -(John Hurt) -8
Host mentions Christopher Eccleston - (Ninth Doctor) -9
Host mentions David Tennant -(Tenth Doctor) - 10
Host mentions Matt Smith - (Eleventh Doctor) - 2
Host mentions Peter Capaldi - (Twelfth Doctor) -1
Host mentions Jodie Whittaker - (Thirteenth Doctor) -3
Host mentions The Valeyard -2
Host mentions The Dream Lord - 2
Host mentions The Watcher -3
Host mentions River Song -3
Host mentions another Time Lord, not the Master or Ranni -4
Host references/compares another Doctor Who Episode -1
Host Mentions Production Notes or Discontinuity Guide - 2
Host Mentions Big Finish Production -2

Host references Non DW SciFi series (Star Trek, X-Files, The Tomorrow People-etc) - 1
Host references another DW media (Book Episode, etc) - 1
Host really likes episode -2
Host likes episode - 1
Host sort likes episode -1
Host hates episode - 2
Host says "LI-N-DA" or mentions 'Love and Monsters' -3
Host references actor other work - 2
Host mentions "K-9" -2
Host mentions "BBC" -3
Host mentions "The Master" -3
Host mentions "Daleks" -2
Host mentions "Cybermen" -1
Host gives list of possibilities - 1
Host gives a theory - 2
Host gives a bit of Who Trivia - 1
Host says "TARDIS" - 1
Host mentions your favorite Doctor -1
Host gives episode 9 or 10 -4
Host gives episode 6, 7 or 8 -3
Host give episode 5 or below -2
Host references NON-SciFi series -2
Host mentions a clue for a future episode. -1
Host says 'Candy Man' -1
Host is reviewing a Big Finish Audio -2
Host mentions another podcast - 3

Doctor Who is the property of the BBC, All right Reserved. We forfeit all rights, privileges, and licenses herein and herein contained," et cetera, et cetera... "Fax mentis, incendium gloria cultum," et cetera, et cetera... Memo bis punitor delicatum!

This posting is subject to change..so stay tuned

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