God won’t change a person

It’s true. No matter how hard you pray for a person to change, God won’t change them. Certainly, God has all power in his hands, and he can do anything and everything to any part of creation that he chooses. However, all of the power that God has is tempered by his great wisdom. God desires to have a true relationship with us, and therefore our relationship with him must be of our own choice, born out of our real love, respect and trust in Him. (John 4:24). That is why all the scriptures giving the promises of God are preferences with “If.” God gives us the choice. Contrast this with the way appliances work. When you go to microwave and want you want it to heat something up, you simply have to hit the right buttons, and it does it. It does it because it has no free will or choice. Obviously if it broken, it won’t and you’ll either fix it or replace it. And and general most people don’t have relationships with their microwave. God did not create us to be programmable servants with no choices, but has given us free will do accept or reject Him. He also warns us what our lives will be without him, only because he does love us.

So what happens when we pray for a person to change and be saved? Let’s look at it this way. Suppose this person is driving 99 miles an hour on the Sin highway, which only leads in their death and destruction. (Proverbs 14:12). He’s having a great time doing it, and is blind to his reality. We pray that this person comes to the realization that the path will end in his destructions. This is the same when we desire to for a person to be saved and turn their life toward the road of salvation. God will do all kinds of things to get their attention, and warn them in an answer to your prayer. He will put up warning and danger a head signs. He will put up people waving flags to get their attention. He may even cause their tires to get a slow leak, so that they have to slow down to see and hear the warnings he is giving them. However if this person is bound and determined to keep doing what he is doing, God will allow them. He has to, he is God. We know that God desires that no one be lost (1 Tim 2:4), but if this person chooses that they don’t want anything to do with God, and doesn’t want to have a relationship with him. He will grant that person that chose and put them as far from his love, mercy and grace to live out the rest of eternity without him. So the question is, are you listening to God speaking to you, and ignoring him?

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