Fear Not!

Are you aware that of all of God’s commandments, “FEAR NOT” is the one appears the most? I’ve heard it said that it appears more that 100 times. However, according to the movie "Facing the Giants" it is somewhere close to 365 times. I guess it depends on the translation which translation and which version of the Bible you have. Though the word “Fear” appears numerous times in the Bible, we have to remember there is two meanings depending on it usage in the passage. In once instance it could mean to be afraid or terrified of, in another instance it could mean “to have reverential awe of.” I’m speaking here of the first instance. When men were suddenly in the presence of heavenly beings they were terrified. When we are confronted by things or situations that seem beyond us we often become terrified. Everyone has fears. What do you fear? Some people have a fear of the dark, some fear heights, some fear closed in spaces, some fear success. Sometimes are become fearful of what might happen. Fear will rear its ugly face and make you believe what is unbelievable. Some people panic when the phone rings, because they think its bad news, or when they get called to see their supervisor. Fear can appear and make you see a false Reality, but Fear is never a Reality! Fear Not!

Fear is often used by others to control you. Politicians or the news media use Fear to manipulate the people to do certain things. Fear can be paralyzing and used to keep people in deep bondage. A few weeks ago panic ensued when people were told that gas prices were going above $5.00. What happened in the following weeks? Remember when they told you that the world was going to have all kinds of problems on January 1, 2000, because of all the computer problems that were going to happen? Remember those scientist who told you that the alignment in 1980’s was going to cause gravitation stresses on the Earth? What happened? Fear is a very powerful weapon against the weak. Lions use their roar to send animals in a panic, and thus they are easily caught. People who become afraid can easily loose hope and those who loose hope can easily be controlled. This is not what God has for you. It is written God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and of a sound mind.~~2nd Tim 1:7. So of God doesn’t want us to live in fear, who does? Well that answer if obvious, Satan. The scriptures say that the children of God live by faith in God. Faith is complete and absolute trust in the living God and his Word. God through his world has given us dominion over any situation. Fear manifests itself in the absence of that faith. We open the door to fear when we start to believe the lies of the enemy. Satan doesn’t want you to realize your own power and ability.

Jesus came to set us free from this fear, and to give us authority over any situation the world may throw at us. We should not fear any circumstance including death. God has given us is perfect word to combat this tactics. When someone is trying to scare you to do something, stop and think what God has told you. When the media is reporting that the world is coming to the end, check what The Book says, if you didn’t see Jesus coming on a cloud, don’t believe it. If the news is telling you that times are going to be hard for you remember the Bible says that “God will supply all your needs.” If they try to tell you that voting for this person is bad, remember Psalm 24:1 When the world tell you, “you can’t” respond by knowing because of Jesus you are more than a conqueror. So, Fear Not!

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