The Government Took Prayer out of School....really?

Abington School District v. Schempp (1963), it was heard by the United States Supreme Court, which ruled that official Bible-reading in American public schools was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court had prohibited officially sponsored prayer in schools in Engel v. Vitale (1962) on similar grounds.

Please read what the law says

Now understand this when you read or want to send one of those NO PRAYER IN SCHOOL memes on Social Media!

  1.  You can pray in school  (see link at bottom on federal guidelines)... you can pray at work, you can pray in the shower, you can pray while cutting grass.  However, if you pray while driving just please keep your eyes open.     It's not illegal - really it isn't. in fact, it is a constitutional right (see 1st Amendment). This was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case Kennedy v. Bremerton School District (2022)]

  2. To prove me wrong - If you get arrested for praying in school. please post your ticket or mug shot on Social Media...and I’ll pay your fine and lead the protest.  Now, mind you must be charged for praying.

    However, Per the US Constitution, the Government or any Government entity (Schools) cannot FORCE you or anyone into their choice of faith, belief, or religious practice.       
  3. if you wanna know why -Study a history book on English History specifically the Reformation period.

                    See the influence on politics from the Church or influence on the religion from politics that went through early Europe.     

                    Now go back and look at the phase in the 1st Amendment.

                    If you want to live in a country where the Government forces one religion on all citizens. then you really want to live in a Muslim or Communist country.  In those countries, the government can force, deny you, or punish you for practicing a faith they don’t approve of. Do you really want the US to become that?  And if so which brand of Christianity Catholic, Protestant, Anglican Communion, Southern Baptist….  Did you know there are over 45,000 Denominations of Christianity alone? There are also over 4,300 beliefs.  Which one of these practices do you want your elected officials to force on Children or citizens?  If the School board were all Muslim, Secular Humanist, Atheists, or Jedi do you want them to force that faith on children?

     It's amazing how the same group that often complains about BIG Government creates and spreads these memes without a second thought.

    In the United States, you are free to practice YOUR faith, you are free to teach YOUR children YOUR Faith. You are FREE To attend your choice of places to worship. You are also free not to. That’s what FREEDOM OF RELIGION MEANS. 

    Do you have the ability to expose people to what you want..  sure... and they have the right to accept or reject it. However, you are NOT free to IMPOSE YOUR BELIEFS ON ME, or MY FAMILY, or anyone else. 

    We really love the RIGHTS and FREEDOM TO Choose what we want to believe. Nor do we want to be indoctrinated by the faith of Politics, and false teachings.  

    Remember how slave masters used false teaching to give slaves misinformation that being a slave was what God wanted.  What do you think the Government is going to do?  See History!

     3) For the so-called 'Christians' who keep saying this or passing it along.

    You should include the bible verse that says where Yahweh (God) commands the Government to raise your children. 

       (go ahead look it up...I will wait!)

     I can see lots of passages especially in the Law, and Proverbs where Yahweh commanded PARENTS to teach their children.

    Deuteronomy 4:9, Deuteronomy 6:7, Deuteronomy 11:19, Psalm 78:5-7 are some examples.  

    If you want a school where children are taught to pray...try Sunday school, you are free to send your kids there, while you attend adult Sunday school.  

    For several decades, Sunday school attendance has been dropping while ‘Christians’  have been complaining about NO PRAYER in School. Why aren't children there?

     But, sadly all these memes aren't helping falling church or Sunday school attendance.

      You are also FREE to enroll your children in religious schools as well.

       My Grandparents taught my parents to pray.  

       My parents taught me to pray,

       I taught my children to pray, and they are teaching their children to pray that's biblical.


    Baptists became the first and only propounders of “absolute liberty, just and true liberty, equal and impartial liberty.” 

    For this, they suffered and died. They proclaimed it by their deeds, they propagated it in their writings.

    In almost every country of Europe, amid tempests of wrath, stirred up by their faith, and their manly adherence to truth, they were the indefatigable, consistent primal apostles of liberty in this latter age

    -- John Locke


    Bet no one will pass this on...just as quick… for political motives and false teaching spread faster than truth.


    When my grandson was 2 years old  I heard him singing he B-I-B-L-E Song.... the government didn't teach him that... his mother did.   At the age of one year and a few months when he could just barely talk (he was an early talker)…he did the prayer for Thanksgiving dinner. (God Good, God Great ..Amen)  The president,  the courts, the governor, the mayor, nor the school board did not hand in that.

    The best way to teach your children…is to be an example of your faith.


    2 Timothy 1:5

    Now...in the last 50 years Church and Sunday School attendance have declines.... I think that's the bigger issue.
